Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity is a point-and-click adventure based on MTV's Beavis & Butt-head series. The player can control both characters as they attempt to join Todd's gang. Much of the gameplay consists of inventory-based puzzles. There are also a few mini-games and hidden music videos.
Like, why are you hanging around reading all these words when you could be with me and Beavis, like scoring and stuff. Uh, scoring with chicks, not me and Beavis. Plus you could be doing a bunch of other cool stuff, too, like messing with Anderson's mind and, like, making Buzzcut's neck veins pop out, and just going around breaking stuff and kicking people's butts. And like, if you're as cool as me and Beavis, maybe you'll get into Todd's gang. So quit being a dillweed and click on these visuals and try to be cool for once, huh, huh. It's, like, your only hope.
Download the demo (27 MB)